Friday, October 8, 2010

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Day 30: Finish a Blog

What to do, what to do? That has been the question of the day for the past month as I counted down the final days of my youth by completing 30 things that I have never done in the 30 days leading up to my 30th birthday.  Many of the activities were scheduled and planned out well in advance.  Some of the ideas just happened to advantageously work their way into my already hectic schedule.  And then there were those ideas that purely by the grace of God came to me at the eleventh hour.  However, by the time day 30 rolled around I am sorry to say that I was plum out of ideas.

I had many admirable suggestions along the way.  Some that I had already done, some that I never would do, and some that I just didn't feel were the right fit for what I was going for.  Then there were the not so admirable suggestions like skinny dipping in the ocean (thanks but no thanks Deb and Mary) however I decided I didn't want to spend my birthday finding sand where sand does not belong.  Someone jokingly mentioned a tattoo parlor down the street, and for a fleeting moment I contemplated having them put one tiny dot in the most pain free place just for the ability to tell people I got a tattoo, but then I decided that I should probably steer clear of activities that could jeopardize my grandmother's fragile health. 

I thought all day and all night and was quickly running out of time.  I had come this far, I couldn't just give up.  So I did the next best thing.  I found a way to make something I'd been doing for a while now magically turn into something I'd never done.  Now, before there is an uproar and charges of cheating let me defend my position.  When I began my exercise in personal growth no less than a month ago I also started a blog to keep a record of my adventures.  Now, had I been a wise person I would have made my new blog the first activity on my calendar.  But wise I am not  (I'm hoping that wisdom will come with my newly acquired age) and so my brand new blog got cast off as nothing but a side note.  So, because I didn't count starting a blog as one of my 30 new things, I saw no reason why finishing a blog couldn't be included. Furthermore, let me remind you, as I have stated before, it's my game so I get to make the rules!

Thus, as I prepare to close out my twenties so too I prepare to close out this online memoir of my many fascinating (and many not so fascinating) experiences. I think I ended up with a pretty well rounded list of accomplishments. Because of activities like the museum of tolerance and fasting and finishing the bible I am certainly a little wiser (even though to some I have always been Wiser (get it, cause it's my last name!)) Thanks to multiple not so low fat ventures like making butter and marshmallows and rice crispy treats I am definitely a little fatter.  And then there were those endeavors that were just plain fun like my police ride along and playing golf.  Now I know what you're thinking.  Ending a blog for a new experience is kind of an anticlimactic end to such a fantastic run of life altering undertakings, but what can I say except I'm almost 30 and I'm tired!

1 comment:

  1. A nice try and, since you are making up the rules, one that works for me. I'm glad you had the experiences and hope you learned something from some of them as you take the experience into your next 30 years. Happy Birthday from your Dad.
