Sunday, October 3, 2010

X Marks the Spot

Day 25: Use a metal detector on the beach

Since playing the Lottery didn't quite pan out the way I had hoped it would I moved on to a new method of achieving my goal of becoming independently wealthy.  We've all heard those overplayed commercials for the companies who want to buy your old gold jewelry, and apparently, right now the price of gold is near an all time high.  Unfortunately I do not own anything made of gold, but plenty of other people do, and sometimes they lose said gold (in addition to countless other treasures) while enjoying a relaxing day at the beach.  So, armed with my new metal detector, I was determined to find all those hidden gems.

Call me crazy, but searching for buried treasure along the vast stretches of sandy beaches is something I have wanted to do since childhood.  There were quite a few Christmases and birthdays that I was hoping there would be a fancy new metal detector amongst the finely wrapped gifts.  But alas, there never was.  And so for this, my 30th birthday, I took it upon myself to ensure I received the gift I had been longing for since my youth.

I pulled my new toy out of the box and after arming it with some fresh double A's, I threw some coins on the floor to test it out.  I pushed buttons, turned nobs, heard some high pitched tones and then concluded that I had no idea what I was doing.  It turns out this whole metal detector thing was a little more complicated than I had envisioned.  So I pulled out the instructions and skimmed them, then when that didn't work I went back and actually read them.  Once I knew what I was doing I headed down to the sand.

I was brimming with excitement and optimism as I began my search.  What would I find first?  Would it be a rare coin?  Perhaps it would be a lovely piece of jewelry with a broken clasp.  Heck, I would settle for a set of lost keys!  As I began scanning the sand I soon realized it was going to be a slow process to find my riches.

I slowly...walked...down...the...beach, searching...and searching...and searching.  When I got my first possible strike I was elated.  I scooped up a healthy dose of sand into my sifter and shook it out until all that remained was a few bits of shell.  I reached down for another load and repeated the process only to be met with disappointment.  It was a false alarm.

I continued on, making my way down the beach and then back up, all the while keeping a close watch on the gauge and listening intently for that tell tale sound (or silence depending on the type of metal.)  As I decided to wind down my search disillusionment began to set in.  My very first treasure hunt did not turn out quite the way I had envisioned.   But never fear for I will continue my search to find my fortune buried in the sand, even if I have to put it there myself!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I guess you'll have to use it more now that you've bought it. I did have luck with rented metal detectors twice in my life when I lost my wedding ring in large areas of grass, but the last time, no luck. That's why I now have a cheap plain gold band that I can't seem to lose! ;)
