Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Somethin' from the Oven

Day 3: Make cookies for my neighbors.

We all have them, most of us acknowledge them when we see them, some of us know their names, and a few of us are even friends with them.  Neighbors can be one of life's greatest blessings, or one of its worst curses. Out of all the places I've lived I've only known a handful of my neighbors by name, but that hardly counts because half of those people I knew before we moved in (shout out to Arnold and Kari) and another one didn't speak any English.

So, when we bought this house, and the concept of living in one place for an extended period of time was a very real possibility, I decided this would be the place that I would finally get to know my neighbors.  I got off to a good start. Within a couple weeks of living here I had met and learned the names of a couple of the people in the houses on either side of us.  However, it didn't take long for the first name basis to dwindle to the polite head nod across the yard.  And I fear that if things were to continue in their current state of decline even the friendly gestures over the fence would soon be nothing but fond memories.

It was time. Drastic measures must be taken.  Okay so maybe a simple gesture like making some cookies and taking them to your neighbors isn't exactly drastic, but it's a step in the right direction.

I decided to make sugar cookies.  My reasons for choosing this variety of cookie were twofold.  First, the recipe I have is super quick and easy.  Second, and perhaps more importantly, the sugar cookie dough is scrumdidlyupmtions! I got them all baked and plated up and ready for delivery.  There was nothing left to do now but walk next door and hand over the goods. Would they be home?  What would I say?  Would they speak English? (not an absurd question if you know my neighborhood)

Good news!  They were home.  I told them I made some cookies and I wanted to give them some.  And, they did speak English, fluently.  Furthermore, I learned a couple more names, which I promptly came home and wrote down so as not to forget them!

Overall I would say the activity of making cookies for my neighbors was a superb idea (kudos to whoever it was that suggested it) and one definitely worthy of repeating.  In fact I don't think it would be out of the question to say that from now on, whenever I make cookies, there will be a plate of them set aside for my good friends next door.  Of course that could be a long time off since about 90% of the times I make cookies they don't actually make it past the dough stage!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry my computer had me logged in as you for some reason. I was trying to say that I think I suggested that idea to you. And let me guess you wrote their names on your dinning room wall?

  3. Good job..... I want some!!!!! I made carrot cake last night.... good way to eat your veggies! Now I have had my veggies for the week!!!
