Friday, September 10, 2010

Snap, Crackle, Pop

Day 2: Make Rice Crispy Treats

Was it a coincidence that I chose to make a delicious sugary treat for my new activity the day after fasting, possibly.  Was is a subconscious decision on behalf of my deeply rooted sweet tooth, probably.  Was it a wise choice no matter how I arrived at it, definitely.

Now I know what you're thinking.  It is virtually impossible to believe that I have gone almost 30 years without ever making something as simple as a rice crispy treat.  It's a childhood right of passage.  It's an easy to make, late night indulgence.  It's a freakin' rice crispy treat for goodness sake, who hasn't made one!  Well, until today the answer to that question would be ME!

So I found the directions online, bought my ingredients (gotta love Target) and dove right in.  First I had to decide whether I would utilize the old fashion stove-top method, or opt for the quick and modern microwave way.  I chose the stove-top in order to truly be able to enjoy the slow melting gooey fabulousness of the marshmallow mixture.  I also decided to use the miniature marshmallows assuming that they would melt down faster and get me to the finished product sooner.  While I'm still certain of that assumption, in hindsight choosing standard size marshmallows probably would have provided me with a more captivating marshmallow melting experience.

A little melting, a lot of stirring, pour, scrape, squish and voila I've made my first batch of rice crispy treats...ever.  However, did I stop there?  Of course not.  Batch two: Peanut butter chocolate chip rice crispy treats.  No recipe here, just my own mad scientist mind throwing stuff in to see what I could concoct. And now the results...

So here are my final thoughts after all the marshmallowy mayhem is said and done. Traditional rice crispy treats are more fun to make than they are to eat.  When you factor in the cleanup process, I'd sooner just eat a bowl of the cereal with a hearty helping of ice cold milk (mmmm...MILK!)  My peanut butter chocolate variation, on the other hand, was pure culinary genius.  When you combine the improved taste to the fact that it was immensely more fascinating to watch the melting marshmallows swirl into the smooth peanut butter deliciousness than it was when they just melted down on their own into a hot gooey mess, peanut butter chocolate are the only rice crispy treats I foresee in my future.

Now comes the toughest part of the entire process, deciding whether I should go clean up my mess now, or leave it for Sarah to do tomorrow.  I think we all know the answer to that!

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