Sunday, September 26, 2010


Day 18: Welding

Thanks to Jr. High woodshop I've mastered the woodworking world.  I've conquered ceramics thanks to my wheel throwing class in college.  I've done sewing, paper mache, and as of a few days ago, soap carving.  Just about the only medium I haven't mastered is metal.  I did get a taste of it in my high school jewelry making class when we used the blow torches to solder rings and key chains and such.  But while soldering was certainly fun, the idea of welding was even more intriguing, and thanks to my sister marrying a man whom she didn't, "like, like that" I now have a perfectly suitable instructor (thanks again Chris.)

Welding 101 began with an introduction to the various types of welding.  Apparently it is more than just getting the metal really hot and melting it together.  The most basic method is oxy-acetylene welding, then there is ARC welding, then MIG welding and finally TIG welding.  If I'm understanding my instructor correctly, each method is a little better than the last but also a little more difficult to master.  So for now we began with simple Oxy-Acetylene welding.  This is where you have a torched with two hoses attached running to an Oxygen tank and an Acetylene tank.  You have to get the mixture of gasses just right to get the perfect flame. 

Finally, once we got through the boring book learning it was time for the fun stuff. I donned the proper welding attire. (Don't be surprised if you see me strutting around in a simple, yet very stylish leather welding jacket.  I have a feeling they are going to be all the rage!)  After Chris gave a brief demonstration of how I should do it and what to watch for it was finally my turn to try my hand at welding. Sparks were flying.  Metal was melting.  I was welding! Now, I've heard that a good weld should look a bit like a roll of quarters all laid out.  My first weld looked like a roll of quarters all melted into a big blog.  Well, it wasn't quite that bad.  I had some decent looking spots, but I think that was when Chris was helping.

So, as it turns out I am not quite the welding prodigy I presumed I would be.  Even though Chris didn't agree with me when I exclaimed, "I'm a welder!" I will prove him wrong.  Don't rain on my molten metal parade because this is one skill I am determined to master.  Now do you think I'll be able to find welding equipment in the free section on Craigslist?

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