Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two Turn Tables and a Microphone

Day 22: Be on the Radio

Sometimes the best things in life are completely spontaneous.  You can plan things and schedule life till you're blue in the face but there is definitely no substitute for being in the right place at the right time.  When I began my little challenge of attempting to do 30 new things in 30 days I had grand notions of amazing adventures and fascinating experiences, so I sat down and wrote myself out a nice little schedule full of plenty of extraordinary undertakings.  However now that I have reached the final days of my exercise in personal enrichment I will admit my innovative ideas are dwindling, and so is my initiative.  So when a new experienced presented itself unexpectedly this morning, I jumped at the opportunity.  Well, I didn't jump because I was driving to work, but I did wave my arms with enthusiasm.

It is not all that often that I listen to the radio, and even more rare that I actually pay attention to what the DJ is saying, so it must have been fate when I actually heard the announcers on morning show of the local christian radio station ask for listeners to call in to tell them about the last time they were out of their comfort zone.  At first I thought nothing of it, but then as the memories of taking cookies to my neighbors, and getting a pedicure and flying in a small plane and other recent endeavors came flooding into my mind I realized that virtually the entire past three weeks of my life have been out of my comfort zone.  It still took me a minute or two before I decided that what I had to say was actually worthy of air time, but eventually I pick up the phone and dialed (with my hands free device safely placed on my ear of course!)

As the phone rang I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.  I was semi-convinced that the only response possible when calling a radio station was a busy signal, since that is all I ever heard any time I called in to attempt to win something.  You can imagine my shock when after a few rings I was greeted on the other end by an actual person, and not just any person but the recognizable voices I heard on radio.  We had a brief conversation where I told them about my little experiment and a couple of my experiences, then they wished me a happy birthday and that was it.  I hung up and figured that was the last I would hear of that.  In my opinion it didn't sound like a morning show worthy exchange.  However a couple songs and quite a few commercials later I hear my friends the DJ's say, "Hello Lindsay."  I  immediately turned up the volume on my radio exponentially and I reveled in my 15 seconds of fame. 

As quickly as it began it ended.  I made a couple quick phone calls to share my exuberance with whoever would listen (Tracy and Sarah, thanks for humoring me!) and then I went about my day.  It certainly was not a profound life changing event, but it was new and fun and different. And I didn't sound half bad if I do say so myself.  Perhaps a career shift to broadcasting is in order.  Then again, I think my gems of wisdom are better left to the occasional call in discourse.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that a good sound person never says "Test, 1, 2, 3" because when you count to 3 you have to lift. . . . .

