Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rock On

Day 8: Download Music off the Internet

I've said it all along.  I'm a crotchety old woman, stuck in a young (or in 22 days, not so young) person's body.  While I have embraced so many wonderful technological advances, my old fashioned sensibilities are still holding out on a few of today's latest fads.  I am part of an elite few who prefer a person to person phone call over a new-fandangled text message.  As many of you know I only recently joined the Facebook band wagon. And all this tweeting and twittering going on quite frankly sounds to me a little cuckoo.  So, when I got a card with 50 free music downloads it didn't really mean much to me.  However, besides being a bit of an old curmudgeon, I am also openly lazy and cheap.  Those qualities all came together in perfect harmony to create a prime opportunity for me to try my hand at downloading music off the internet for the first time.

I don't really even listen to that much music.  Sarah can attest to the fact that the radio in my car is off the majority of the time.  Deciding what I wanted to use my free downloads on turned out to be quite the monumentous task since I don't keep a running list of my favorite tunes.  Plus, the site that I had the free downloads on was no itunes.  It had very limited selections, and once I did find something I liked it was available with "paid credits only." (If you don't understand why this would be a problem let me refer back to my aforementioned cheapness.)

When all was said and done I ended up with quite a varied play-list.  I started off with a classic, Chris Isaak's "Forever Blue."  This was an album I had a while back (thank you Amy!) that somehow got lost along with all my other CD's and a replacement was long overdue.  Next I selected an album from a group called Downhere (yes, it's written with no space in between).  I already had one of their albums, so I thought I'd give this one a go.  My third full album was "Blast" the soundtrack recording of a musical stage show.  Someone in the show once described it to me as "drum corp on crack."  It opens with "Bolero" and just keeps getting better from there.  Finally, I finished with Tenth Avenue North and their album, "Over and Underneath."  The two songs on the album that I really wanted were only available if I downloaded the entire album, so that's what I did.

I am now officially a true member of the digital age.  It's only a matter of time before I'm watching live streaming video and downloading movies.  I wouldn't get too excited about my new-found technological freedom though.  While the vast majority of people would take their newly acquired tunes and load them directly onto their iPod or MP3 player or some other fancy gadget, I will be burning mine onto a good old fashioned Compact Disc to be played in a good old fashioned single disc CD player.  Will I download again?  Perhaps.  If I do, will it be only when it's free?  Definitely.

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